The Famous Actor in Sound of Music Have Died

Sound of Music actress Charmian Carr is one of the major actor in the movie "sound of music". Chairman Carr died Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016, in Woodland Hills, California., of complications from a rare form of dementia. Carr was best known for her role as the eldest Von Trapp daughter, Liesl, in the academy award winning movie.

However, she died at the age of seventy three (73), she died Saturday of complications from a rare form of dementia in Los Angeles

She was known for performing or playing the role as the captain Von Trapp eldest daughter. in the sound of music film which she is mainly popular for he sang the part that says "i am sixteen going to seventeen".

she have also acted other movies after the sound of music e.g "Evening Promise" which she played a role of a mysterious woman who lived in a department store.

This particular movie was soled all over the world and it drew the heart of many men and women and it will forever live in the heart of so many men.

Howerver Agathe von Trapp, the eldest daughter of the Austrian family who inspired the film died in the age of 97 in 2010.

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  1. wetin kill am, oboy i like that movie

    1. I don't really know
      It really made my childhood days


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